Professional Consulting

Canada welcomes foreign nationals to visit and stay in Canada with a lot of opportunities and immigration has played an integral part in the development of multiculturalism during the last half of the 20th century.

Depending on where you live and the reason for your application to come to Canada, you will need to meet some requirements.

OWEI can assist to find the best option for you and your family to visit and/or stay in Canada. We are committed to ensuring that your application is looked after from beginning to end, we will recommend and advise you in the best possible approach. Our immigration services are wholesome, providing you with the most thorough service in the industry.

Initial consultation

First thing we recommend is for the potential client to complete the “Immigration Assessment Form” once that form is completed, it will provide us with a first hand look at what your situation may be.

Our professional immigration consultants will receive the results of that form, the initial consultation will be catered towards expanding on the information provided and establishing a path moving forward.

Some of the questions will evolve around assessing your eligibility and try to choose the best stream for you to apply under the Canadian Immigration system.


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    +12 (0) 345 678 9