Express Entry

  • Express Entry

Express Entry is a program to process permanent residence applications, for filling labour gaps through economic migration programs.  The system assesses the applicants based on specific criteria, such as language levels, education, and work experience.  Depending on the program that they apply for, eventually applicants create a profile that can be selected and send an invitation to apply for PR if they are eligible. 

These are the programs that you can apply under the Express Entry: 

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) 

This program has minimum requirements to be eligible to apply please see the following:

  • Language requirements
  • Education
  • Skilled Work Experience 

Then we can assess your eligibility based on its applicable criteria.

Foreign skilled job experience has to be one of those.  

National Occupational Classifications (NOC) in.

  • Managerial jobs (skill type 0)
  • Professional jobs (skill level A)
  • Technical jobs and skilled trades (skill level B)

and within the last ten years.

  • at least 1 year of continuous work or 1,560 hours total (30 hours per week)—you can meet this in a few different ways:
    • full-time at 1 job: 30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full-time (1,560 hours)
    • equal amount in part-time work: for example, 15 hours/week for 24 months = 1-year full time (1,560 hours)
      • You can work as many part-time jobs as you need to meet this requirement.
    • full-time at more than 1 job: 30 hours/week for 12 months at more than 1 job = 1-year full time (1,560 hours)
  • Federal Skilled Trade Program (FSTP) 

This program gives the opportunity to foreign skilled tradesperson to apply with work experience in eligible trade occupations to immigrate to Canada.

Skilled trades for the Federal Skilled Trades Program are organized under these groups of the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

  • Major Group 72, industrial, electrical and construction trades
  • Major Group 73, maintenance, and equipment operation trades
  • Major Group 82, supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture, and related production
  • Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators
  • Minor Group 632, chefs, and cooks
  • Minor Group 633, butchers and bakers


have at least 2 years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a skilled trade within the 5 years before you apply

  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

People who have already had the required amount of work experience in Canada such as international students after completing their studies and/or temporary foreign workers can apply to become Permanent resistance if they meet the occupation and English Language requirements.

Canadian Job experience must be one of those National Occupational Classifications (NOC) and authorized

  • managerial jobs (skill level 0)
  • professional jobs (skill type A)
  • technical jobs and skilled trades (skill type B)

and within the last three years.

  • full-time at 1 job: 30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full-time (1,560 hours)
  • equal amount in part-time work: for example, 15 hours/week for 24 months = 1-year full time (1,560 hours)

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9